Episode 10 - Anna Molgard, E-RYT, C-IAYT - Part 2

In this episode, certified yoga trauma therapist Anna Molgard gives us two modalities as hands-on tools to help the disregulation that can occur after a concussion. Anna also muses on the difference it can make to give yourself grace and kindness after a concussion. She shares her dream of launching a non-profit organization that can help under-served populations with yoga trauma therapy for those in need.

In our last episode with yoga trauma therapist, Anna Molgard, Anna spoke about the physical difficulties she personally had experienced from five concussions and the disregulation that occurred as a result. In this episode she gives us two tangible tools to help us when we feel disregulated in our emotions or even in our physical symptoms. What is exciting is that anyone can benefit from what she will teach us, not just concussion survivors. Let’s listen in as she answers the question, “Just what are some specific tools that can help concussion survivors?”

She also explores the profound difference of giving ourselves grace and kindness rather than pity as we move into the new world of concussions. Finally, she shares her work with underprivileged trauma victims and her dream of starting a non-profit organization to bring the power of yoga to concussion and trauma survivors.

Anna Molgard, E-RYT, C-IAYT, can be reached at:

Facebook: Flowing Tree Yoga Studio

Instagram: @flowing_tree_yoga

Website: www.FlowingTreeYoga.com

As always, seek the advice of your care provider before making any adjustments to your life after a concussion.

Episode 10 - Anna Molgard, E-RYT, C-IAYT - Part 2
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