Episode 2 - Anna Molgard, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT - Part 1
Hello! Thank you for stopping by! This is launch week for Concussion: There IS Hope, a podcast bringing awe and respect for concussion survivors and their families. Whether you’ve had a concussion or not, there are insidious dangers associated with concussions that all people need to know. Did you know a second concussion on top of a first can cause immediate death? It’s this kind of information you deserve to have; every family needs to know what I’ll be sharing in the episodes to come. Concussions are everyone’s business, and that’s why I’m launching this podcast. I want everyone to stay safer than I have, suffering through my 10 concussions.
Today’s sneak peek is into the life of Anna Mohlgard, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT. Anna began practicing yoga 22 years ago following a serious back injury. After using yoga to avoid surgery, she trained for many years and received her Experienced Registered Yoga Certification and her Certified Yoga Therapist credentials. She is the owner of Flowing Tree Yoga, specializing in yoga therapy for trauma and chronic pain and training and mentoring yoga teachers. She has had five head injuries in less than two years, which were exacerbated by her genetic hypermobility disorder. She is a woman who is making a difference for concussion survivors and others who have experienced trauma of a variety of kinds. For today’s sneak peek into our future episode, we’ll start right off with Anna sharing her experience with head trauma.
You can find Anna Molgard at:
Website: www.flowingtreeyoga.com
FB: Flowing Tree Yoga Studio
IG: @flowing_tree_yoga
As always, seek the advice of your care provider before making any adjustments to your life after a concussion.